
Careers at Trinity Academy St Edward’s

High quality careers education and guidance in school is critical to young people’s futures. It helps to prepare them for the workplace by providing a clear understanding of the world of work including the routes to jobs and careers that they might find engaging and rewarding. This helps students to choose their pathways, improve their life opportunities and contribute to a productive and successful economy. All that we embody at TASE is for the children and giving them the absolute best experiences alongside ensuring they achieve academic success. Providing high quality careers education, information and guidance (CEIAG) is part of our vision of enabling all students to be the best they can be.

Quality in Careers Standard Award

We are delighted to have been awarded the Quality in Careers Standard Award. Take a look at our certificate below!


TASE Statement of Learner Entitlement for Careers Education


All students at Trinity Academy St Edward’s will:

  • Take part in a careers programme across their school career
  • Take part in a programme that will help them to understand their education, training, employment and other progression opportunities available to them
  • Develop the skills they need to plan and manage their own personal development and career progression
  • Access relevant information and learning from curricular and extracurricular activities
  • Will maintain individual progression plans to help them improve their prospects of success
  • Access opportunities to feedback and give ideas on how to improve the careers offer at TASE
  • Have access to and support in using careers information provided in person through guidance meetings or via the MyDirections online platform; this information will be unbiased and accurate
  • Obtain careers guidance that is impartial and confidential, focused on individual need and supportive of equal opportunities, provided by a Level 6 careers adviser.


All parents and carers can expect to:

  • Access the school’s current careers programme and supplementary information
  • Access up to date Labour Market Information via the Principal’s newsletter
  • Have the opportunity to comment on the usefulness of the school’s careers programme for their child and how it can be improved
  • Access informed staff at parents’ information session
  • Make an appointment, should they deem it appropriate, with a member of staff or careers adviser to discuss their child’s progress and future prospects
  • Access the school’s careers leader on 01226 664166 or by emailing:

“The one who gets wisdom loves life; the one who cherishes understanding will soon prosper.”

Proverbs 19:8 NIV

Phase One provision:

Year 7 – INSPIRE

  • Y7 Form time careers resources – Inspire
  • Labour market information
  • Introduction to careers
  • MyDirections career profile
  • Careers routes & local employers’ assemblies
  • Careers in the curriculum – all subjects
  • Financial education (PSHE)
  • Trinity Scholars launch (Oxbridge and medicine)
  • STEM Drop Down Days x3 – careers & females in engineering, careers in the space sector, careers in sustainability
  • E-Sports (Barnsley Digital Media Centre)
  • DePuy Synthes – Bio engineering assembly & workshop
  • Meaningful encounters: Barnsley Chamber of Commerce, DePuy Synthes, Bowmer & Kirkland, Twiggs, Space Detectives, DWP

Year 8 – ASPIRE

  • Y8 Form time careers resources – Aspire
  • Introduction to apprenticeships assembly
  • Introduction to technical and vocational pathways assembly
  • Labour market information assembly & resources
  • Revisit MyDirections career profile
  • Careers in the curriculum – all subjects
  • STEM Drop Down Days x3 – careers in engineering, space sector & sustainability
  • Sheffield University campus visit
  • Discover Leeds project
  • Discrimination & equality (PSHE)
  • Work shadowing (Twiggs)
  • Trinity Scholars – Oxbridge visit
  • Personal guidance available on request
  • Personal guidance meetings – Trinity Scholars
  • Meaningful encounters: Barnsley College, DePuy Synthes, Bowmer & Kirkland, Twiggs, DWP

Phase Two provision:

Year 9 – EXPLORE

  • Y9 Form time careers resources – Explore
  • Labour market information assembly & resources
  • Careers routes & local employers’ assemblies
  • Revisit MyDirections career profile
  • Careers in the curriculum – all subjects
  • University visits
  • Trinity Scholars – KS4 ready
  • Options personal guidance interviews
  • Options information evening (students and parents)
  • Meaningful encounters: Barnsley College, apprenticeship provider (B&K), IPA, HeppSY

We fully adhere to the Provider Access Legislation (January 2023).

TASE Careers Policy

TASE Careers Programme

Trinity Academy St Edward’s has a CEIAG programme which outlines how we aim to meet the Gatsby Benchmarks.

What are the Gatsby Benchmarks?

The Gatsby Benchmarks were developed on behalf of the Gatsby Foundation by Sir John Holman. They define what world class careers provision in education looks like and provide a clear framework for organising the careers provision.

​The 8 Gatsby Benchmarks are:

  1. A stable careers programme ​
  2. Learning from careers and labour market information ​
  3. Addressing the needs of each student
  4. Linking curriculum learning to careers
  5. Encounters with employers and employees
  6. Experiences of workplaces
  7. Encounters with further and higher education
  8. Personal guidance.

Our TASE Careers Programme 2023-24 can be found here.


This information has been provided by: The Apprenticeship Guide.

An apprenticeship, which must last for a minimum of 12 months, combines hands-on work with the opportunity to train and obtain qualifications. It’s also a paid position, so you earn while you learn. At least 20% of your time is set aside for learning, usually at a college, university or training provider.

The rest of your time is spent applying your knowledge and skills in the actual workplace, doing the job that you set out to get. At the end of it, you’ll gain official certification, which will be equivalent to traditional qualifications. Apprenticeship levels are set and equivalent to as follows:

  • 2 (Intermediate): GCSEs
  • 3 (Advanced): A-levels
  • 4 (Higher): foundation degree
  • 5 (Higher): foundation degree/first year of bachelor’s degree
  • 6 (Degree): bachelor’s degree
  • 7 (Degree): master’s degree.

It’s important to note that there are caveats. Apprenticeships are designed to be flexible, so, for example, an employer may offer a level 6 or 7 apprenticeship, considered to be at the higher level, without giving you the option of getting an actual degree qualification, while others will.

It’s essential that you check before applying the qualifications on offer and the level at which you’ll train will be made explicit, so you’ll be able to decide if you’re happy to undertake an apprenticeship at the degree level without the prospect of being awarded one at the end of it. Many intermediate, advanced and higher apprenticeships will also give you the opportunity to obtain qualifications such as diplomas in relevant areas.

There is no maximum age limit for an apprenticeship, but they are for those aged 16 or over, living in England and not in full-time education.

Added benefits

As an apprentice, you’ll earn a wage. The current minimum wage rate for an apprentice is £4.15 per hour. This rate applies if you’re under 19, or if you’re aged 19 or over and are in your first year. You must be paid the national minimum wage for your age if you’re an apprentice aged 19 or over and have completed your first year. The national minimum wage is currently set at £6.45 for 18- to 20-year-olds, £8.20 for 21- to 24-year-olds and £8.72 for those aged 25 and over.

On top of this, you’ll be paid for your normal working hours and the training that’s part of your apprenticeship, usually one day per week. You’ll also be entitled to the statutory minimum of 20 days of paid holiday per year, plus bank holidays, of which there are currently eight.

It’s important to note here that these pay rates and holiday entitlements are minimums only. Employers will often set their salaries on offer at higher rates, depending on company policy, in order to make their apprenticeships competitive. Many will also differ on their date of payment, with some having monthly wage structures and others preferring to pay their staff weekly. Many employers also offer additional benefits, such as gym memberships, private healthcare and travel loans. The current minimum age for a workplace pension is 22, however, check with the employer when you apply, as they may offer a pension to all their employees.

Find the parents’ guide to apprenticeships here.

Find more resource and guidance from Amazing Apprenticeships here.

Labour Market Information

This information has been provided by: South Yorkshire Mayoral Combined Authority.

Labour Market Information (LMI) is data, research and insight which helps us to understand:

  • The economy
  • Current and future jobs
  • The skills needed for certain roles
  • Demand for future employment and skills.

Find out more about the economy and working in South Yorkshire by clicking on the topic buttons below:

What are the top sectors or industries for employment in South Yorkshire?

What are the sectors expected to grow?

What skills do employers want?

What types of jobs are there in South Yorkshire?


At TASE, our careers programme enables student interactions with employers. We welcome enquiries from employers who would like to support our students.

Please contact: Nikki Waite, Assistant Principal.


TASE Provider Access Statement 2023-24

Useful Links

TASE Careers:

Find our Careers Policy here.

Our TASE Careers Programme 2023-24 can be found here.


Find information on apprenticeships here.

Find the parents’ guide to apprenticeships here.

Find more resource and guidance from Amazing Apprenticeships here.

Apprenticeship vacancies


Labour Market Information – South Yorkshire:

Find labour market information for South Yorkshire here.

South Yorkshire Careers Hub

Careers Guidance and Opportunities:

National Careers Service


UK University Search


Health Careers

Construction Sector

Careers in Sport


Creative Industry

Yorkshire Training Partnership

Parental Guidance:

Parental Guidance

FE Colleges and Universities:

UK University Search


Barnsley College

Penistone Grammar Post 16

New College Doncaster

Trinity Scholars

Military Preparation College

The University of Sheffield

University of Leeds

University of Huddersfield

University of Cambridge

University of Oxford

Ofsted Outstanding Provider
Trinity Scholars

Trinity Scholar students benefit from an additional investment of up to £6000

Click to find out more!