
At Trinity Academy St Edward’s our curriculum is broad and balanced to meet the needs of all our children. We have a STEM specialism that runs alongside the normal curriculum that aims to give our children experience of the wealth of opportunities available in science, technology, engineering and maths. Trips, experiences and company links will broaden their horizons and help to raise aspirations of what can be achieved.

We deliver a knowledge-rich curriculum. We believe this is what will support our children’s development in school and prepare them for their exams and for the next steps in their lives. We believe in developing their resilience and driving a culture of hard work and ambition. Teaching and learning is the core business and what every teacher is empowered to deliver. We do not base our pedagogy on gimmicks or fancy ideas, it is rooted in research-based evidence and what makes the most impact on our children.

If you require further information about our curriculum please contact us at

Curriculum Intent

“I am not afraid of storms for I am learning how to sail my ship.”

  • Louisa May Alcott

Our curriculum at Trinity Academy St Edward’s is broad and balanced and will set the highest aspirations alongside the delivery of outstanding outcomes for all our children, irrespective of starting point or barriers.

Children will be immersed in a knowledge-rich curriculum that develops their understanding and prepares them for the challenges of the wider world. Our core values of Empathy, Honesty, Respect and Responsibility are integral in our day-to-day approach. Children are at the foundation of all we do, and our key behaviours support their journey to becoming confident and successful young people.

We do not apologise for celebrating and embracing academic success. Our sky-high expectations, coupled with a no excuses approach, are ingrained in all our community. This ensures our children are resilient, determined and ambitious to achieve success in their futures.

Our #TeamTrinity culture ensures our children understand teamwork, togetherness and the importance of belonging to a community. They will leave the academy with amazing experiences and life-long memories.

The curriculum design and delivery takes into account the organisation’s duties under the Equalities Act 2010 and the SEND Regulations 2014.

Curriculum Planning

Subject curriculums are knowledge-rich, cumulative, challenging, exciting and based on a progression model. Each element of the curriculum is carefully selected and sequenced with reasons of why this, why now. There is a rationale for the specific content being covered, progression of the National Curriculum objectives throughout the years and a build-up of knowledge over time. The curriculum is not based on exam specification. Timings have been considered to allow teaching for challenge and high expectations, deeper learning of knowledge and understanding. Subject curriculums have planned opportunities for:

THINK STEM            THINK Careers           THINK Big Questions         THINK Rich Reading


Challenge is an entitlement for all. All subject curriculums must be underpinned by ambition, high challenge and make pupils think and work hard. Bjork writes ‘If learning is too easy and straightforward, it is less likely to be secure in the long-term memory’.

Curriculum plans

At TASE we follow the curriculum plans and schemes of learning from TAC. These have been adapted to meet the needs of our children in our academy.

Learning journey

Subjects have a detailed curriculum plan which shows the journey of learning knowledge throughout a year with sequence and coherence.

Teachers know the learning journey for a unit of work and how it supports the bigger picture.

As pupils begin a new unit, they know how it fits into the wider curriculum and what the sequence of the unit will look like.

Curriculum experience shows a pupil sequenced learning journey, across all subjects, throughout a year.

NRICH Problem Solving Schools’ Charter

TASE are part of the NRICH Problem Solving Schools’ Charter because we believe that mathematical ability is not fixed; everyone can learn and make progress. Problem solving is a key skill that all students can apply in any subject area or career path; maths provides them with perfect opportunities to develop this.

As a curriculum team, we are committed to embedding non-standard problems into lessons and ensuring that students feel safe to try things out, even if they make mistakes.

The NRICH Charter supports us to continually reflect and evaluate our practice to ensure students are getting the best experiences.

Ofsted Outstanding Provider
Trinity Scholars

Trinity Scholar students benefit from an additional investment of up to £6000

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