Meet our Senior Leadership Team

Mark Allen


I am delighted, excited and bursting with pride, to be Principal at TASE. Our school offers our community a broad, balanced curriculum that sets the highest aspirations and delivers outstanding outcomes for all our children, no matter their starting point, or barrier.

Each and every day I have to pinch myself! I am in a role I love, am passionate about, and I am living out my dream to change the lives of children via education. I am proud of every aspect of our school.
Our expert teaching, broad and balanced curriculum, and genuine pastoral care that our children receive is truly world class. We expect and deliver only the very highest standards. Our staff are experts in their field and are dedicated to giving the best life chances to the children of Barnsley. At St Edward's, we champion our children. We put them dead centre of our actions and decisions. We help them overcome barriers, no matter their starting point, help them develop resilience and give them the skills and confidence to cope with the challenges of modern-day life.

We strive to enable each other to be 'the best that we can be' and expect only the very best standards of work, behaviour and interactions. A student a St Edward's is happy, safe and they flourish in their studies and their relationships. They are passionate about their school and the chances they have; this fills me with a real sense of gratification.

We are so proud of all we have done in our first few years in our temporary building and, in line with our parable, we are building strong foundations for the future of our children. We can't wait to do even more in our new build from next year.

Vicki Gilmore

Vice Principal

It was such a privilege to be appointed as a founding member of the Leadership Team at Trinity Academy St Edward’s.

With over 20 years' experience in education, teaching and leading at schools across Wakefield and Barnsley, it was such a privilege to be appointed as a founding member of the Leadership Team at Trinity Academy St Edward’s. Having the opportunity to be part of setting up the new school from its foundations was one of the best experiences of my life and the journey continues as we prepare to move into our brand new building.

As Vice Principal - Quality of Education, I am responsible for ensuring our curriculum is broad and balanced, knowledge rich, ambitious, and enables all children to secure academic progress alongside amazing experiences which gives them lifelong memories. Every day we work hard to embed our core values of Empathy, Honesty, Respect and Responsibility so every young person is prepared to be great citizens of the future. Our standards are high and we believe in every single one of our students.

Being a leader gives me the opportunity to share my experiences and curriculum expertise, alongside providing support and challenge to staff to ensure that every student receives the highest possible standard of education, experience and care. I am proud to work for Trinity MAT and to work closely with other leaders and our fantastic team of curriculum leaders to provide a ‘world class education through world class teaching’. Together, we enable each other to be the best we can be!

Sally Fisher

Associate Assistant Principal - Inclusion

I feel incredibly privileged to be part of this unique and exciting journey.

Since commencing in the role of Assistant Principal - Inclusion at TASE in September 2021, I have had the pleasure of welcoming three cohorts of students and their families to this amazing school. It has been an honour to watch our students develop, learn and grow into well-shaped and happy individuals. An important part of my role is to build, develop and maintain meaningful and lasting relationships with both our students and their families.

I have 21 years of experience in pastoral care, and I am incredibly passionate about ensuring all our students are supported academically and pastorally to provide positive school experiences and to help them to develop into well-equipped young adults ready to face the challenges of the world.

I have extensive experience of working with external agencies to help develop plans and implement various resources to help any of our students who require support. I am blessed to be supported by an amazing pastoral team who go above and beyond to ensure the wellbeing and happiness of all of our students.

Nikki Waite

Assistant Principal -Teaching and Learning

TASE is the place to be!

TASE is the place to be! I adore our school and everything we represent and promote; there truly is no other school I would rather work for! My heart is in the classroom, sharing my passion for all things English with inquisitive students who are eager to learn. My role enables me to visit lots of classrooms and work with teachers to ensure they have access to the most recent research and cognitive science behind how we learn. I love delivering professional development to staff and equipping them with the knowledge they need to be the experts in their field. I also oversee literacy across the academy and ensure that those who need extra support and intervention receive it and can access the curriculum. Finally, I work with other members of staff across the academy to shape our careers programme to all students. It has been both exciting and rewarding to see our careers offer develop and go from strength to strength, including being awarded 'Most Visionary Careers Programme' in South Yorkshire for 2022-23.

Laura Pearson

Assistant Principal - Personal Development

I am so excited to be part of the TASE journey!

I feel exceptionally privileged to be Assistant Principal for Personal Development at TASE. Our school ethos of ‘academic excellence, amazing experiences’ ensures that every student will leave us in Year 11 with not only fantastic academic grades, but also as a well-rounded character.

Our INVOLVE extracurricular clubs, house system and trips that are linked to SMSC and careers, ensure our students engage with a range of opportunities. These vital experiences help our students to recognise how to be good citizens and to make positive contributions to their community and wider world. It is a joy to work with our student leadership groups such as the Student Council, House Captains and Student Senior leaders. Our student leaders help to promote student voice alongside being involved in the planning and running of events for their peers and community.

Chris Esberger

Assistant Principal - Pastoral

I am delighted to join the TASE team!

I am delighted to join the team at TASE and thoroughly look forward to working with our school community and supporting our students so that they achieve their full potential.

I am a former Head of PE and senior leader within a large Rotherham secondary school for 7 years - leading on pastoral systems within both Key Stage 3 and Key Stage 4.

As Assistant Principal for Pastoral I will ensure that our students have a positive environment that enables our teachers to teach and our students to learn. The culture we will create will support our students to be hard-working, resilient and ambitious learners that set high aspirations to succeed both academically and through personal development.

Our students know that we will support them when they encounter difficulties and that all their efforts and achievements will be affirmed and celebrated by us. The ‘golden thread’ of effective relationships with all our students, their families and the wider community enable the pastoral team to make a difference each day.

I look forward to meeting the TASE community.

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